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Title: Historical Places in France | Eiffel Tower | Mont Saint Michel | Arc de Triomphe | Eiffel Town -
Description:Amazing info about Historical Places in France. Eiffel Tower, Mont Saint Michel and Arc de Triomphe are some historical places in France. Eiffel Tower The most famous structure in the world, and the icon for France. The Arc de Triomphe Paris, the most memorable of all triumphal arches, was Construction between 1806 and 1836. Mont Saint Michel strange event of the Western World forms a tall structure in the heart of a very great bay invaded by the highest tides in Europe.
Category:Business & Economy: History
Link Owner:keko
Date Added:December 09, 2014 06:04:22 PM
Number Hits:360
Site Name:Historical Places in France | Eiffel Tower | Mont Saint Michel | Arc de Triomphe | Eiffel Town
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